Google Eye Slime!

Light green slime in a kettle with google eyeballs

Everyone LOVES slime! Slime is great for sensory, especially the tactile or touch sense. Kids all over enjoy making and playing with slime. We know that following a recipe and planning the outcome helps children to develop executive function skills. What are they? read my earlier blog post if you are looking for more information […]

5 Facts About Metacognition – What IS It?

Who are you? What do you tell yourself? What are your beliefs and thoughts as you move throughout your day? We all have that voice inside of us that helps us to work through difficulties we face. Many of the children we work with struggle to realize that they have the power to solve their […]

5 Facts About ~ Executive Function

As my children grow, my focus as a parent changes. Both of my autistic sons and husband with ADD/ADHD struggle with executive function. That’s what makes my job as ‘The Pocket Occupational Therapist‘ so fun! Not only am I an OT, but I’m also experiencing daily stresses similar to my clients. My latest focus is […]

5 Tips to Build Kids’ Working Memory

  Working Memory: Executive Function Skill Executive function difficulties commonly come along with (are co-morbid with) many disorders. What are executive function skills……Check out our earlier blog post here for 5 quick facts. Children who have been diagnosed with: ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, sensory, auditory, among many others experience dysfunction in working memory. What IS this […]

Executive Function Infographic

Many adults and children have difficulty with executive function. Traditional models explain executive function (EF) as the chief executive officer (CEO) of the brain. Here, at the Pocket Occupational Therapist, we use the Train Model of EF.  We know that EF is responsible for planning, organizing, focusing, self-control, and following multiple steps. Also, we need […]

7 Tips for Back to School

   Back to school comes with mixed emotions. We want our children to have a super year as they grow and learn. As a parent of children with special needs, back to school brings both excitement and anxiety  We purchase books, uniforms, shoes, and backpacks but wonder how our children will transition to a new […]