Valentine Perler Bead Craft

I love crafts that help to build fine motor skills. This is an awesome activity that really builds skills such as following directions, strengthening hand muscles, and works on visual perception. Supplies Red, pink and white Perler beads Square plastic Perler bead pegboard Perler bead ironing paper Perler bead tweezers White card stock Pink and […]
SLIME for my Valentine!
It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we know you’re looking for fun and creative ideas. This is the PERFECT idea for teachers, therapists, and gifts for friends. Materials: 1 Container of red glitter glue ¾ and ⅔ cups very warm water separated 1 tsp. Borax 2 Mixing bowls Mixing Spoon Red glitter Small plastic containers with […]
Holiday Tips for Kids with Special Needs (Part 1)

Holidays bring joy and family traditions that warm the hearts of many. For those of us who have children with special needs, the holidays take on an entirely new dimension. Like everyone, we have shopping, cooking, decorating, and preparation. However, there are additional ways in which we must ready our children for the holiday season. […]
April is OT Month!

Pocket occupational therapist celebrates April as OT Month with special deals and free downloads for OTs
Star Wars Activities for Kids + FREEBIE

Activities, have I! Wait? I think Yoda got into my computer keyboard! I can remember seeing the Star Wars films with my parents when I was a kid. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of taking my own kids to see Star Wars movies! We are big Star Wars fans in our household, […]
10 Freakishly Good Halloween Treats
Halloween is almost upon us and I’ve found some fun treats to make with my boys this week. What I love best about making food with them is that when they make it, they are more likely to eat some of it! As you know, playing with your food is strongly encouraged for kids who […]
The Ultimate Guide to Valentine’s Day Cards + Love Letters Activity

Read the post to find out how to get your 28-page download! Valentine’s Day Cards…..Have Fun While Working on Critical Skills! We are SO excited to welcome our guest bloggers — the amazing therapists (twins, one is a Speech-Language Pathologist and the other is an Occupational Therapist) at Fine Motor Boot Camp! If you […]