Holiday Break Activities for Kids + FREE Conversation Starter Cards
Holidays can be hectic and busy for grown-ups but our children can become bored quickly. I encourage my clients and my own children to limit screen time and be creative. Children of all ages learn skills by engaging in play. When children are not asleep they are learning about their environment through various play activities. […]
Holiday Tips for Children with Special Needs (Part 2)
Welcome to Part 2 of our Holiday Tips for Kids series! Today’s post will cover FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS and SANTA/TRADITIONS!! Family Photographs1) Go at a time of day when children are well-rested and not hungry. Do not rush and arrive early. Even though you may not realize it, children pick up on your energy and mood. Try to […]
Holiday Tips for Kids with Special Needs (Part 1)
Holidays bring joy and family traditions that warm the hearts of many. For those of us who have children with special needs, the holidays take on an entirely new dimension. Like everyone, we have shopping, cooking, decorating, and preparation. However, there are additional ways in which we must ready our children for the holiday season. […]