School Bus Safety Tips

School Bus Safety Tips for Children The start of school is approaching and children will begin their daily commute to and from school riding the bus.  It’s an exciting time since many children seem to love to ride the school bus. Since preparation is important, let’s take a moment to prepare your children for what […]

Best Apps for Autism

One of the questions you ask most often is about helpful apps for kids with autism. Thanks to Autism Parenting Magazine, we have our favorite apps in one infographic! Looking for information about math for kids with autism? Check out our post with tips here. Need help with sensory and behavior trouble with kids? Here’s […]

7 Tips for Back to School

   Back to school comes with mixed emotions. We want our children to have a super year as they grow and learn. As a parent of children with special needs, back to school brings both excitement and anxiety  We purchase books, uniforms, shoes, and backpacks but wonder how our children will transition to a new […]

Play With Your FOOD – A Valentine’s Day Treat

Many children with special needs experience co-morbid conditions involving eating. Co-morbid means they ‘come along with’ other disorders. For example, many children with autism experience sensory processing difficulties. I’m often asked HOW to help our kids eat. My answer is to let kids play with food. Decreasing pressure around mealtimes is important. Time at the […]