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Auditory Processing Disorder 101

Auditory processing disorders are often misdiagnosed or masked as other things. Sometimes, people think kids aren’t paying attention or are daydreaming. In fact, it…

Teaching Idioms

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs! Idioms or phrases that cannot be understood through their literal meaning can be rather confusing for students with language…

5 Ways to Add Movement to Learning

Sit Still and Pay Attention! How many times have we heard this in our lives? I know my generation was expected to sit without…

What Are Pre-Writing Skills?

What are pre-writing skills and why does my child need them? Babies are born with hands that are curled up and only reflexively grasp…

5 OT Tips for Boosting Productivity

OT is BOOMING! We are in demand and are showing our unique value.   Occupational therapy is growing by leaps and bounds and it’s a…

Fourth of July Tips for Kids

Summer is in full force and we have tips for kids who may struggle with sensory processing. The 4th of July is here. Nothing…

Tuesday’s TOY of the Week – Tweezers

Cool TWEEZERs are Tuesday’s TOY of the Week! Fine motor skills are important, but we cannot start to practice cutting until a child’s hand…
OT Month 2021

5 Tips to Celebrate Occupational Therapy Month!

HAPPY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY MONTH! OT Month is a time to reflect and celebrate the unique value of our profession. There’s so much to learn…
Pre-Handwriting Fun

Feather Beading – Pre Writing Activity

Working on handwriting is fun but it’s important to work on PRE-WRITING skills. Kids need to first learn how to build fine motor coordination….

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