Idioms, What Did You Say and What Do You Really Mean?

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs! Idioms or phrases that cannot be understood through their literal meaning can be rather confusing for students with language difficulties. Teaching children and students common idioms can help them navigate verbal communication with adults and peers as well as improve their writing skills. My sons had SUCH a difficult time […]

Conversation Starters for Kids

Many of our children struggle with communication.  Social anxiety, decreased awareness of body language (non-verbal communication), and trouble with pragmatic language (what we say and how we say it, tone, facial expressions) compound difficulties.  How do we help children who are waiting for speech therapy or don’t qualify for targeted therapy services? The answer is […]

Assistive Communication Devices for Children with Autism

I LOVE infographics to communicate ideas and give awesome information to my readers. Here’s another awesome graphic from our friends at Autism Parenting Magazine.   Here’s one of my earlier posts about apps for autism. It’s another awesome resource! Thanks for reading.   Let me know what assistive communication you’ve tried.