5 Tips to Celebrate Occupational Therapy Month!

HAPPY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY MONTH! OT Month is a time to reflect and celebrate the unique value of our profession. There’s so much to learn and share when it comes to our work in all settings! We can even start community programs and work in telehealth! Here are 5 Tips to help celebrate OT Month this […]

April is OT Month!

Pocket occupational therapist celebrates April as OT Month with special deals and free downloads for OTs

Self Care in Healthcare: Taboo Topic or Priceless Prerequisite?

I’m SO excited to welcome this month’s guest blogger. She’s Katie Tietz, a pediatric occupational therapist, international best selling author, speaker and certified mindset coach. She is the founder of Health Pro Mindset, LLC – a mindset coaching business teaching hundreds of healthcare professionals (and soon to be professionals!) how to use mindfulness-based practices to serve […]