5 Ways to Add Movement to Learning
Sit Still and Pay Attention! How many times have we heard this in our lives? I know my generation was expected to sit without fidgeting or moving during learning activities. If we didn’t, there was punishment or reprimand. Unfortunately, things are changing and research has shown that movement and brain breaks should be built into […]
5 Tips to Help With Dyscalculia

Many children struggle with difficulties in writing and math. When a child is smart and has a high IQ, struggling with something that comes so simply for other students in the class often leads to anxiety and low self-esteem. As with most learning disorders or learning disabilities, symptoms emerge at different times and each child […]
7 Tips for Back to School

Back to school comes with mixed emotions. We want our children to have a super year as they grow and learn. As a parent of children with special needs, back to school brings both excitement and anxiety We purchase books, uniforms, shoes, and backpacks but wonder how our children will transition to a new […]
5 Tips To Reduce Math Anxiety

I don’t know about you, but when I see a math problem I get sweaty palms and a feeling of dread. It’s true that I homeschooled my sons through graduation, but for their math (especially Algebra, Calculus, and Trig.) I hired a tutor. Many of our children fight homework time. We see behaviors such as […]