5 Ways to Add Movement to Learning
Sit Still and Pay Attention! How many times have we heard this in our lives? I know my generation was expected to sit without fidgeting or moving during learning activities. If we didn’t, there was punishment or reprimand. Unfortunately, things are changing and research has shown that movement and brain breaks should be built into […]
5 Tips to Build Kids’ Working Memory
Working Memory: Executive Function Skill Executive function difficulties commonly come along with (are co-morbid with) many disorders. What are executive function skills……Check out our earlier blog post here for 5 quick facts. Children who have been diagnosed with: ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, sensory, auditory, among many others experience dysfunction in working memory. What IS this […]
Learn the Colors Activity Pack – Spanish
Learning to identify and write the colors is important for all children. We are so excited about our new learn the colors pack in Spanish! Matching, writing, and identifying the colors are all included in the activity download. Here are some ideas: Laminate the pages for multiple uses. Cut out the crayons and create […]
5 Tips To Reduce Math Anxiety

I don’t know about you, but when I see a math problem I get sweaty palms and a feeling of dread. It’s true that I homeschooled my sons through graduation, but for their math (especially Algebra, Calculus, and Trig.) I hired a tutor. Many of our children fight homework time. We see behaviors such as […]
5 Questions Asked By New Occupational Therapists

5 of the most asked questions during my pediatric occupational therapy primer courses for new therapists or OTs new to the pediatric setting.