20 (therapeutic) Summer Activities
20 summer fun activities for kids with and without special needs. Work on fine motor, gross motor, sensory, letters, scissors/cutting, and more with the tips in this post by The Pocket Occupational Therapist
5 Ways to Add Movement to Learning
Sit Still and Pay Attention! How many times have we heard this in our lives? I know my generation was expected to sit without fidgeting or moving during learning activities. If we didn’t, there was punishment or reprimand. Unfortunately, things are changing and research has shown that movement and brain breaks should be built into […]
Holiday Break Activities for Kids + FREE Conversation Starter Cards
Holidays can be hectic and busy for grown-ups but our children can become bored quickly. I encourage my clients and my own children to limit screen time and be creative. Children of all ages learn skills by engaging in play. When children are not asleep they are learning about their environment through various play activities. […]
5 New Year Resolution Ideas for Kids
Wow, the power of a visual is never more influential than watching the year change. If you’re in the US, you may watch a ball drop on the larger than life 2020 display in Times Square. The feelings are powerful as the end of a chapter in our lives ends and refreshes as the page […]
Brain and Sensory Foundations for OT, PT, and Parents
As a therapist and parent, I’m often asked about courses I recommend. Here’s one of my FAVORITES for everyone! I’m lucky to be an affiliate of Move, Play, Thrive and Sonia Story who has provided quality and life-changing courses that fit your lifestyle. ~ Cara You can transform neuro-sensory-motor challenges with the tools from the […]