Teaching Idioms

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs! Idioms or phrases that cannot be understood through their literal meaning can be rather confusing for students with language difficulties. Teaching children and students common idioms can help them navigate verbal communication with adults and peers as well as improve their writing skills. My sons had SUCH a difficult time […]

Developmental Milestones

  Developmental Milestones for Fine Motor, Gross Motor, and Speech For children ages one through age six. Remember that each child develops at his/her own pace and the information below is for informational purposes only. You are your child’s best advocate and know your child best. Let your pediatrician know if you have concerns about your […]

Assistive Communication Devices for Children with Autism

I LOVE infographics to communicate ideas and give awesome information to my readers. Here’s another awesome graphic from our friends at Autism Parenting Magazine.   Here’s one of my earlier posts about apps for autism. It’s another awesome resource! Thanks for reading.   Let me know what assistive communication you’ve tried.

5 Tips to Get Your Child Outside

Get Your Child Outside, Regardless of Age! Getting your kids outside is a challenge, but every year it is the same thing. Too cold, too wet or too busy. Kids are getting up at the same time in winter, but it is dark. It’s almost dark when kids get home from school and eat dinner. […]