20 Lego Store Shopping Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

20 Lego Store Shopping Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
We ALL use Legos in our clincs, schools, and homes. I’ve found some awesome ideas for Lego shopping. Enjoy!
Are you planning a trip to the Lego Store soon? If so, you should know you have all sorts of Lego fun waiting for you! A trip to the Lego Store doesn’t have to stressful or expensive, in fact it can be quite fun and budget friendly. Look at these 20 Lego Store shopping tips, tricks, and hacks, and see how easy it can be to have the most perfect Lego Store adventure ever.

1. Make your own mini characters.

Most Lego Stores have a section where you can design your own mini characters from head to toe! You have so many options on the kind of character you design, and can take home 3 unique characters designed by you for around $10.

2. Take advantage of the photo ops.

There are so many stunning Lego displays around the Lego Store, and they are designed for photo ops. You are free to take pictures in front of the displays or an employee is happy to take a photo for you!

3. Enjoy the free play areas.

There are several free play areas in each store, all well stocked with Legos. Kids are free to play at these stations for as long as they wish at no charge.

4. Tell them if it’s your birthday.

Some stores offer a small freebie or at least a sticker if it is your birthday. Check with your local Lego Store and see if they offer any birthday freebies!

5. Enjoy freebies with your purchase.

Some Lego Stores offer a free gift if you spend so much. Offers will vary from store to store but this offer is typically posted at the entrance. Ask about any free gift with purchase offers that might be available.

6. Compare prices on Amazon before buying.

Amazon sometimes offer prices about 20% lower than The Lego Store. Before making purchases on any large kits, check prices on Amazon to see if there is a better deal.

7. Take advantage of free demos.

Most Lego Stores offer free demos where they show you tips and tricks for building with Legos. These tend to be random but you can always ask when the next demo will be so you can be front and center.

8. Enjoy the make and take workshops.

Some Lego Stores offer free make and take workshops where the kids can create a small project and take it with them at no cost. Ask for a schedule of make and take events from your local Lego Store.

9. Have the sales people show you some fun tricks.

Most of the salespeople at The Lego Store have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves. As them if they have any tricks or demos to show you and chances are, they do!

200 activities with cards and instructions for only $6.99

10. Avoid shopping during vacation times.

Vacation times are the most crowded times at The Lego Store. Avoid going during break times and the store may be too congested and not many freebies will be offered.

11. The Lego Store will honor price matches. 

Did you find a cheaper price somewhere else? Some Lego Stores offer price matching. If you find a better price, it never hurts to ask.

12. Ask if there are any store exclusive sets being offered.

Some Lego Stores offer exclusive sets by location. Be sure to ask if your store sells a set exclusive to that location.

13. Take plenty of photos for inspiration.

The Lego Store doesn’t mind if you snap away. Take plenty of photos of completed projects for inspiration.

14. Enjoy the recently retired displays.

When a set is retired, The Lego Store will put it on display. This is a great way to visit with sets no longer available and see what they look like all assembled.

15. Enjoy the colorful “pick a brick” wall.

The “pick a brick” wall is amazing, and a wonderful way to see all of the brick offerings available to you! Take the time to browse all the bricks in this display.

16. Take advantage of the knowledge the salespeople have to offer.

You will find that Lego Store salespeople are well versed in Legos and have so much to offer. Be sure to ask any questions you might have or just strike up a convo to learn more.

17. Sign up for the occasional competitions.

Some Lego Stores offer competitions where you can race against other Lego fanatics! Get a schedule of events from your local Lego Store and see what events they offer.

18. Sign up for the Official Lego VIP Program.

Head to the Lego Website and sign up for the Official Lego VIP program. It is a great way to earn more Legos in the future.

19. Head to the Lego Website for more deals and offers.

Before your trip, head to the Lego website to see any available deals, offers, events, or other Lego information that can help make your trip magic!

20.  Look for big discounts on seasonal items.

Lego marks seasonal merchandise way down once the season has passed. Be sure to swing in after a season has ended and see what’s available.

The next time you head to the Lego Store, be prepared! Consider these Lego Store tips, tricks, and hacks and see what an amazing (and budget friendly!) time you can have! What ideas do you have to share with fellow readers?

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