Book Report Alternatives for Kids with Learning Disorders

Writing book reports can be challenging for some students with dyslexia and other disabilities
involving writing and language. As long as your children or students reach the objectives you
expect them to achieve after reading a book, why not allow them to demonstrate their learning
with these book report alternatives? Try a few of these out after reading a
class novel, having your child read independently, or exploring literature together.

Character Map
Draw an outline of a character. Have your students write adjectives or phrases describing the
character in the outline. On the head, have them describe their appearance or write about
internal conflicts. What is on the character’s mind throughout the story? Across the chest (or the
heart), invite them to write things or people the character loves. On the feet of the character, tell
them to list actions or important things the character does in the story. These are just some
options to include in the character map.

Comic Strip
Many students love to read comic books or graphic novels. Have your kids write their own comic
strip based on the entire novel, a chapter, or just one scene from the book. Use paper and art
materials or go digital with applications like StoryboardThat
online or Comic Life for the iPad.

Character Collage
Have your students cut pictures from magazines, find images online, or draw their own sketches
focusing on a main character in the story. Choose images that focus on the character’s traits
and motivations in the story. Another alternative is to illustrate the setting with a collage or focus
on the theme or lesson of the selection.

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Alphabet Book
This is a fun activity for students of any age. Choose a word or phrase for each letter A-Z and
compile it in a book. You can have them create a page for each letter or divide the page into
sections. Not only is this a great way for younger kids to review the alphabet, but it can also help older
students expand their vocabulary and really think about what they’ve read without writing
extensive paragraphs. Focus on content-specific items and try out literary terms like “S” is for
setting or “C” is for conflict.


Trying out different book report alternatives for students with writing
difficulties is one way to help your children develop writing skills while utilizing their strengths.

Display their creations with pride and allow them to come up with their own
innovative ideas to present what they read as well

What are your favorite book report alternatives? We love hearing from YOU.



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