Brain & Sensory Foundations Course

You can transform neuro-sensory-motor challenges with the tools from the Brain and Sensory Foundations course.

If you would like to help your children and clients make outstanding progress, join us for the unique and exciting Brain and Sensory Foundations, online training.

Provide powerful help for children and adults with this proven, evidenced-based system using innate brain-growing movements of infancy and special tools to enhance brain and sensory maturity.

The results are spectacular.

Therapists report faster and measurable, far-reaching results for their clients. They are especially delighted with the improvements in sensory processing and functional skills.
See therapist videos here.

Lynda Steed,  OT:
“I am helping kids experience success like I’ve never seen”
2.5 min video

Melody Edwards, PT
“. . . the most valuable thing I have ever learned in my entire career.”
34 seconds

The tools are FUN, EASY and ENJOYABLE to do and can be used at any age to promote deep and lasting transformation in the brain, body and sensory systems.

These simple yet profound movements help transform:
Sensory issues/SPD
Sleep issues
Learning challenges
ASD and ADHD symptoms
Physical challenges
Speech delay
Social-Emotional challenges
Anger, Depression
Brain Injury

Perfect for everyone with busy schedules.

.    Online, video-based movement instruction available 24/7
.    Course Manual, 100-page hardcopy, with color photos and instructions.
.    Live, online group Q & A sessions, recorded for easy access.

The Brain and Sensory Foundations course is excellent for parents, OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs, SLPs, Vision Therapists, foster parents, counselors, social workers, educators, yoga and massage therapists, trauma specialists, healthcare providers, and caregivers.

1.6 CEUs awarded for OTs, OTAs completing the course.
8 CCUs for PTs, PTAs completing the course (FSBPT).

More information here 

As soon as you enroll you have instant access to these excellent tools.

Course Tuition is $387

Comments About the Course:

“The course was awesome! I have taken several courses on reflexes both live and online as well as reading books about the subject. This has been by far the best learning experience about reflexes I have done yet!”
Rachel Vitello, Occupational Therapist, Massachusetts

“This course has changed my life and the lives of my child with ADHD and the children I work with. In the past, I have had poor posture and a curve in my cervical spine, I now have improved posture, neck strength, no more curvature, and I have even seen a decrease in headaches.”
Heather Bowsher, COTA

“I am a Naturopathic Physician practicing in Anchorage AK and cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate your work and wisdom.  I work with a lot of kids with issues and always look at the reflex issues first and often that is enough to get them back on track.”
Dr. Adam Grove, Naturopathic Physician, Anchorage, Alaska

“In my 16 years of clinical practice as an occupational therapist, with an extensive continued educational background, I have never before came across a single tool that is able to make such a profound and immediate difference in both neuro-typically developing and disabled pediatric populations.”
Marina K., OTR/L, Brooklyn, NY.

“Brain and Sensory Foundations was so comprehensive–the manual, handouts, the video sessions. It was obviously a labor of love. I highly recommend it for any professional who works with children.”
Laura Masciarelli, PT, Wantagh, New York

“I have been practicing OT for almost 25 years of which at least 20 of those years have been in pediatrics. I have attended many conferences/courses over the years. This course by far has been the most beneficial. It is the only course I have attended that some part can be applied to every student/client on my caseload.”
Jennifer Everett, OTR

“I’ve been an OT for 30+ years, and this is one of the most amazing CE courses I have ever taken. The techniques that Sonia Story provides are simple but I found them to have unexpectedly profound results for students who could receive the activities on a regular basis for an extended period. For example, a 6-year-old boy with severe sensory issues was able to tolerate getting a buzz cut and drying his hands with a blow dryer in a public restaurant after 1 month of a 5 times per week home program. He had fled from such experiences initially. A 13-year-old girl with autism went from putting her fingers in her ears and refusing most activities and being terrified of germs, sharp objects, to asking to cook in OT, including cutting vegetables. A 7-year-old boy with fetal alcohol syndrome and ADHD was unable to write legibly, attend in class, or hop on his left leg. His mom did the MovePlayThrive activities over the summer, and when he came back to school his writing was legible and staying in the lines, he could hop indefinitely on his left leg, and his teacher said his attention had improved significantly in class. I’m usually suspicious of this type of “miracle story,” but these things really happened. I would recommend this to anyone who works with “out of sync” children.” 

Terran Daily, OTR/L
Arcata CA

Learn the foundational movements for sensory calm and life-long health and well-being!

Click HERE for more information.

As soon as you enroll you have instant access to these excellent tools.

Course Tuition is $387


Learn innate movements that reboot the brain and promote life-long health and well-being.

More information and registration here:

For questions about the course contact:

Sonia Story




Retained Reflexes Course – Brain & Sensory Foundations

Do you worry that you could be missing something in your approach to therapy? Do you wish you could have a bigger impact in a shorter amount of time? Do you want a step-by-step system that is tested, proven, and supported by evidence?

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