Clothespin Alligators

Here’s a fun summer activity that kids will love! The bonus is you can use your alligator to hang drawings up on the refer. If you want to challenge your child, print out the photos and ask kids to place them in order to work on sequencing. Also fun is to see what other animals can be made by painting clothespins. Enjoy!


Poster Board
Red & Green Paint
Paint Brush
Google Eyes
Hot Glue
Green Pipe Cleaners


1) Begin by painting your clothespins green. Set aside and allow your clothespins to dry completely.

2) Bend your green pipe cleaner in a zigzag pattern. Cut your pipe cleaner to fit the top of your clothespin using the metal portion as a guide. Don’t go past the metal with the pipe cleaner. Hot glue your pipe cleaner in place.

3) Hot glue google eyes on top of your clothespin.

Parents and Therapists……..perfect for summer and the new Star Wars Movie! Use your kids’ interests to work on key developmental skills.

4) Using scraps of white poster board, create alligator teeth by zigzagging your scissors. Hot glue in place.

5) Paint the inside of your alligator’s mouth red. Allow drying completely before moving on to the next step.

6) Turn over your alligator and glue a magnet to the back. Your magnet is finished and ready to hang your children’s masterpieces on the fridge!

Share your alligator photos with us!

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