Cookie Cutter Popsicle Stick Puzzle

Spring break is great for vacations and relaxing, but it can also be a good recipe for cabin-fever!  Here’s another colorful activity to keep little hands busy and work on executive function.  Most of the materials are easy to find around the house.  As for the popsicle sticks, you can buy a bag of them, or save them up from mid-afternoon treats!


●Pre-colored Popsicle sticks

●1 plain Popsicle stick

●Hot glue gun

●Cookie cutter in a Spring-themed design (You can use ANY shape you’d like for any season!)


●Black marker


1. Line all of the pre-colored Popsicle sticks up so that they form a rectangle or square, with the ends lined up and the sides all touching.

2. Place a thin layer of hot glue down the length of a plain popsicle stick, and place it vertically, glue side down along the entire length of the lined up pre-colored sticks.  This will hold your colored sticks in place so that you can draw your puzzle shape on the opposite side.

3. Flip the connected colored popsicle sticks over, and trace the shape of a spring-themed cookie cutter in pencil.

Kids need to learn about safety. This activity pack is PERFECT for teaching children about fire prevention and safety.  Ger yours today

4. Trace over the pencil shape with a black marker.

5. Turn the colored sticks back over and remove the plain popsicle stick that you glued onto them. This should be easy to do, but if it is difficult, try pulling off just one stick at a time gently.

6. Mix up the colored popsicle sticks, design side up, and let your little ones have fun putting together their spring-themed puzzle.

If you want to add some coloring fun, you can start with plain popsicle sticks and grab some crayons to color them before you start.  Or, if you want to add to the puzzle, try lining the sticks up first and drawing a big picture over all of them!  Paint will also work great (Just allow a little time for the sticks to dry), and feel free to throw some glitter in the mix to really add a sparkle to your puzzle!

Want a little more adventure?  Check out these Easter Activity Packs and 1-10 Playdoh Counting Mats!

As always, leave me a comment and tell me how your puzzle turned out!  Enjoy!

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