Easter Bunny Handprint Craft

I LOVE this Easter Bunny Handprint Craft and I hope you do too!

Hippety-Hoppety, Easter is here!  This weekend is always a great opportunity to do some crafts with the kids.  Here is a nice indoor Easter activity that is lots of fun and very easy to do!

What you’ll need:

  • Foam or paint brush (2 is best since we will be using 2 different colors)

  • White washable paint
  • Pink washable paint

  • construction paper
  • black sharpie marker



Paint 4 fingers (not the thumb) and palm of the hand white.  Put first and second fingers together and spread the ring and pinky finger out, forming a “V” shape.

Place palm flat down on construction paper. Let dry.


Use foam or paint brush to paint a pink nose and inside of the ears pink. Follow up with eyes, mouth, and whiskers.

If you want some added creativity, feel free to use multiple colors.  For some added texture and an exercise that incorporates tactile senses, you can also use small pieces of yarn for the whiskers.  Just use a little glue to hold the pieces of yarn down and paint them however you like!  When you’re all done, clean-up is pretty simple!  I’d love to see your final result, so please leave me a picture or a comment and tell me all about it!

Comment below to let me know if you enjoyed this fun activity! I love hearing from YOU.

Looking for more SPRING activities for your child or student? Read my earlier blog post about making cookie cutter and craft stick puzzles.


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