Fall Activity Fun For Kids + FREEBIES

This weekend we turn our clocks back an hour. Making the time transition can be difficult for adults and children – especially those who have trouble transitioning. It can be overwhelming those first weeks when it feels like midnight at 6 pm. I know you may feel the same way so I’ve planned on giving you some fall printable ideas for the kids. 

I’m also including some paid and free bundles from my therapy friends. They are all awesome and will hopefully pass some of the time while having fun!


Love this one from Your Therapy Source:

It’s great for fine and gross motor, visual/perceptual plus fun Thanksgiving activities. Click on their freebies page for tons of cool downloads. 


Here’s a FREE download from SchoolhouseTeachers.com


They also have a history of all of the holiday lesson activity for free here.

I ALWAYS love the fun activities from my friends at Pink Oatmeal. Here’s a link to the awesome autumn brain break bundle:

and another favorite:



Don’t forget about our 52 Weeks to OT downloadable book. It contains over 2500 activities grouped by theme and week. There are multiple fall-themed activities for fine and gross motor, sensory, and cognitive skills.

What is YOUR favorite activity for fall? We would love to know.


Retained Reflexes Course – Brain & Sensory Foundations

Do you worry that you could be missing something in your approach to therapy? Do you wish you could have a bigger impact in a shorter amount of time? Do you want a step-by-step system that is tested, proven, and supported by evidence?

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