Get Colorful This Spring With Unicorn Play Dough!


Spring Time is finally here!  The weather may not be ready for all the outdoor fun that summer brings, but there are plenty of fun springtime activities to do inside.  Making Unicorn Play Dough is a great way to spend quality time expressing creativity and developing fine motor skills!


I found some fun unicorn toys to add to your unicorn dough.

Ingredients per color-

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 Tablespoon cream of tartar
  • Pink, teal and blue food coloring
  • Extra fine pink, green and blue glitter




  1. In a small pot, combine your flour, water, salt vegetable oil and cream of tartar and one tiny drop of food coloring and mix well.

    Unicorn Play Dough Step 1
Unicorn Play Dough Step 1 with Food Coloring



  1. Cook stovetop on medium heat for just a couple of minutes, stirring constantly until you have playdough-like consistency.  It should get less sticky as you stir and cook.
Unicorn Play Dough Step 2
Unicorn Play Dough Step 2


  1. Carefully remove the dough (it will be hot).
  2. Once it cools down, roll it into a ball and place in a ziplock bag.
  3. Repeat steps 1-5 with each color.
Create Multiple Colored Balls


We put together this sensory processing and informational pack for you. Contains brain break cards, 200 sensory activity and therapy idea cards. Resources you need to help your child.


  1. Place each color next to each other and press the center down and top with matching glitter.
Add Glitter



  1. Roll and knead your glitter into your play dough.

When you’ve finished making the play dough, you can use different objects to explore the textures they create with your child.  For example, grab a golf ball and roll it over the dough to create dimples.  Let your child experiment with a variety of items to create a broad sensory experience.  Looking for more dough and slime activities, read my earlier post about making GALAXY SLIME here.

If you are feeling really ambitious, try forming the play dough into unique shapes.  You can even try making a play dough unicorn to trot through your play dough garden of flowers!  Leave me a comment and tell me about your creations!




Retained Reflexes Course – Brain & Sensory Foundations

Do you worry that you could be missing something in your approach to therapy? Do you wish you could have a bigger impact in a shorter amount of time? Do you want a step-by-step system that is tested, proven, and supported by evidence?

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