“You’ve developed the strength of a draft horse while holding onto the delicacy of a daffodil … you are the mother, advocate and protector of a child with a disability.”
 -Lori Borgman

It is a blessing to be a mother of a child (or two, or three…..) with special needs. We get the special opportunity to enjoy each baby step our child takes and to truly appreciate and celebrate it! We work VERY hard for every little miracle. Hours of therapy, ABA, IEPs, medical supply orders, meetings, tears, forms, bills, and personal sacrifices of time and relationships are common among our circle.

Yet, we smile and wake up with a wonderful enthusiasm that each day we may see some special gift emerging from our child;  some everyday miracle that others simply brush off as commonplace.  A step, a smile, a WORD, a bite of new food, a scribble, a wiggle of the pinky finger or toes, following a direction, even a brief glance at us out of the corner of their eye!

It’s NEVER an easy job and we often don’t let others see our tears and saddness.  We make it look easy, though and often others don’t see or notice what we go through on a daily basis.  What effort it took just to get out of our front door!  People ask us how we are and (knowing well that it’s going to be a LONG story if we told the truth) say, “I’m fine!”

We don’t work for a salary, honor, or promotion- instead our child’s successes and lives evoke a sense of pride and a joy in us that money cannot buy. A mother of a child with special needs is chosen to advocate, love, praise, support, and appreciate her little one. Our rewards and our sacrifices are truly great, and we should feel proud of ourselves!

To my fellow mamas: I celebrate you and am proud of you!  I wish you a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. Keep up the good work. We are in this together.  Here’s a special discount just for all of the wonderful mothers who follow us!

Enjoy your weekend and the special discount code of MOM25 for all courses and downloads in our store.

Sometimes our children cannot thank us, but we can feel certain that they feel our absolute love for them!


Retained Reflexes Course – Brain & Sensory Foundations

Do you worry that you could be missing something in your approach to therapy? Do you wish you could have a bigger impact in a shorter amount of time? Do you want a step-by-step system that is tested, proven, and supported by evidence?

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