Lucky Day FREEBIES from Your Favorite Therapy Bloggers

It’s your LUCKY DAY! 

Not only is it St. Patrick’s day, but today we are highlighting some of our favorite bloggers who are kind enough to share FREEBIES with their readers.  It takes time and creativity to make awesome handouts, videos, posts, activities, and crafts.  The bloggers below are Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists who enjoy making new material to help children learn necessary skills.  Thanks to the internet and our kind therapist blogger friends, we present you this list of awesome FREE resources and blogs.  Please share with anyone who might need free resources and let us know which blogs you enjoy reading.  Do you have a blog which offers free resources to families of kids who have special needs? Post it in the comments!  We would like to update this list often and your input is valuable to us. 

Lyn Armstrong, OTR

Speech Language Literacy Lab, LLC

Smart Speech Therapy, LLC

Your Therapy Source

Golden Reflections Blog

The Inspired Treehouse

Tools To Grow OT

Therapy Fun Zone

Cara Koscinski, MOT, OTR/L is the mother of two children with special needs. She homeschools and works as a pediatric OT.  Her books, The Pocket Occupational Therapist for Caregivers of Children with Special Needs and The Special Needs SCHOOL Survival Guide are available on her website at or wherever books are sold.


Retained Reflexes Course – Brain & Sensory Foundations

Do you worry that you could be missing something in your approach to therapy? Do you wish you could have a bigger impact in a shorter amount of time? Do you want a step-by-step system that is tested, proven, and supported by evidence?

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