The Out of Sync Child Has Fun by my friend and a wonderful advocate for Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Carol Stock Kranowitz, contains more than one hundred activities. This book is a must-have for all OTs and caregivers. Carol keeps each activity SAFE – Sensory-motor, Appropriate, Fun and Easy.
Movement Courses:
I have personally taken this course and it truly changed my Pocket Occupational Therapist practice! Further, I use the techniques and activities with my own family and see wonderful results. You can help children and adults make outstanding progress with the unique tools from Brain and Sensory Foundations online training. You will be able to provide powerful help with this proven, evidenced-based system using innate brain-growing movements of infancy and special tools to enhance brain and sensory maturity. The results are spectacular! Therapists and parents report measurable, far-reaching benefits. They are especially delighted with the lasting improvements in sensory processing and functional skills.
The activities are FUN and ENJOYABLE to do and can be used for individuals of all ages to promote deep and lasting transformation in the brain, body, and sensory systems. INCORPORATE THEM INTO FUNCTIONAL TASKS!! Don’t worry if movements are not themselves functional, none of our activities such as swinging, e-stim, or taping are FUNCTIONAL, they are used to achieve our functional goals!
These simple yet profound movements help transform: Anxiety Sensory issues Sleep issues Learning challenges ASD and ADHD symptoms Physical challenges Speech delay Social-Emotional challenges Anger, Depression FAS RAD PTSD Pain Brain Injury Perfect for everyone with busy schedules. The Brain and Sensory Foundations course is excellent for parents, OTs, OTAs, PTs, PTAs, SLPs, Vision Therapists, foster parents, counselors, social workers, educators, yoga and massage therapists, trauma specialists, healthcare providers, and caregivers.
Includes: • Online, video-based movement instruction available 24/7 • Course Manual, 100-page hardcopy, with color photos and instructions • Live, online group Q & A sessions, recorded for easy access • 1.6 CEUs awarded for OTs, OTAs completing the course • 8 CCUs for PTs, PTAs completing the course (FSBPT)
For more information click here to visit the Move, Play, Thrive website. Enroll for instant access to these excellent tools.
Therapists: Looking for research?
Here’s a link to the Move, Play, Thrive research page: More research here: ttps://
YOGA training is always wonderful for OTs. I received my training as a children’s YOGA teacher through a local studio. The course was quite affordable and even covered the neurology of movement and its connection to brain development. Here are a few of my favorite YOGA book resources: YOGA for the Special Child can be used to help children with a variety of diagnoses.
Movement Cards
I’ve created a helpful download of 200+ brain breaks, movement, breathing, YOGA, and sensory activities. Brain breaks are critical for increasing oxygen to the brain. Taking a break to focus on the environment around us helps to refocus. Think about your drive to work. Have you ever arrived at your location and wondered, ‘How did I get here?’ When we complete regular routines we often forget to breathe deeply or focus on the world around us. Here’s a suggestion, at each red light find three things around you that are green, or take a minute to focus on how your body feels in the car seat. Take a few deep breaths and use your senses to refresh and hit the ‘reset’ button.
Teach your students and clients to do the same before a test or long assignment. Use the movement cards to give you ideas.
Sensorimotor Interventions Book
Optimal function of our bodies occurs when our sensory and motor systems are strong and able to adapt to the demands of the environment. Today’s children often struggle with fidgeting, decreased attention, and immature motor patterns, which manifest themselves through frustration and behavior issues. When our body’s systems are not integrated to form a strong foundation, difficulties in many areas occur. This book provides education about using movement to improve overall function, including instruction and pictures for fun-based movement activities. A “menu” of activities for therapists is easily accessible by thumbing through the book; by organizing and categorizing activities by target area, therapists will enjoy choosing fun and easily duplicated therapeutic games. Various pieces of equipment designed for therapeutic purposes are commonly utilized by occupational therapists (OTs), and three creative and fun activities are illustrated and explained for each piece of equipment listed in the book. Each activity is broken down into specific target areas. Some target areas are: proprioceptive, tactile, vestibular systems, timing, spatial awareness, visual perception, sensory seeking, sensory modulation, posture, coordination, and many more!