New Course: Reflective Practice

After taking on The Pocket OT and rebranding to The Therapeutic Edge, we became excited about the possibilities of bringing on new course instructors!  We are excited to announce and introduce our first new instructor, Andrew Klein, MS, OTR/L and his upcoming course, “Reflective Practice in Peds: Becoming your most confident practitioner-self.”

Ever feel self-doubt creeping in?  Feel like an imposter?  Get stuck in a loop with a client that you just can’t seem to break out of?  See client behavior but can’t seem to understand what the child is communicating?  At any given time we all experience at least one (most likely all) of these things!  This course is meant for YOU!  Don’t believe us?  Read the message below from Andrew!

Hello!  My name is Andrew Klein and I am an occupational therapist with nearly 15 years of experience working in pediatrics (spanning school and the outpatient setting in both NY and NC).  I am an Expert DIRFloortime® Training Leader, and Certified Trauma Professional.  At the outpatient clinic I work at, Emerge Pediatric Therapy, I have a specialized leadership role that allows me to provide reflective supervision to my colleagues.  I am also currently researching the relationship between therapeutic use of self and reflective supervision. 

Outside of work, I am the parent of two wonderful, energetic daughters and I am married to an amazing OT.  I enjoy spending time with my family and I’m also a competitive fencer.  But that’s probably enough about me.  You are reading this because you are interested in learning more about this course and potentially, hopefully, in learning how to develop your reflective practice skills to support your growth as a clinician.

What do I mean by developing a reflective practice? Well, reflective practice as defined by Schön (1983) is the process of reflecting on one’s actions in order to facilitate a cycle of continued learning.  It can be broken down into “reflection-in-action,” which occurs during the therapy process, and “reflection-on-action,” when the practitioner looks back on events.  Reflective practice is a fundamental component of what we call clinical reasoning, but is something we rarely discuss and few clinicians deliberately refine.

If this seems like a different sort of course than many continuing education courses, that’s because it is.   While a great many continuing education courses will take you further along the road to developing specific techniques and learning skilled interventions (and I hope you enjoy those courses as well), reflective practice will guide you to explore the undercurrents that create confident and artful therapists.  It will help you to take your institutional knowledge and your intuition, and fuse them into meaningful practice.  And it will help you to go beyond your individual practice to paint a full picture of the problems and challenges we face in our clinical practice settings, and in our communities.  

 If reflective practice has the power to do these things, then it stands to reason that it would have a significant impact on our clients, families, workplaces, and even the “bottom line.” If this is true,  can we use this knowledge to change our broader OT, speech, and PT cultures to include stronger opportunities (structured and unstructured) for reflective practice?   At the very least, might it be something you are curious enough to learn more about? 

Still curious?  Join me for “Reflective Practice in Peds – Becoming your most confident practitioner-self.” 

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of reflective practice.

  • Know the value of reflective practice and supervision, based on current research.

  • Learn tools to be an effective reflective practitioner. 
  • Be aware of barriers to reflective practice.
  • Observe and comprehend different forms of reflective practice.
  • Engage in reflective practice over a wide range of clinical scenarios
  • Have the capacity to incorporate reflective practice into your practice

Interested in learning more?  Be sure to sign up for The Therapeutic Edge’s newsletter where you will get more sneak peeks, launch dates, early bird deals, and new resources delivered straight to your inbox!

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Ready to Reflect?

See the course page and learn more before committing

Retained Reflexes Course – Brain & Sensory Foundations

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