Auditory Processing Disorder 101

Auditory processing disorders are often misdiagnosed or masked as other things. Sometimes, people think kids aren’t paying attention or are daydreaming. In fact, it can take the brain some extra time to process the information coming through the auditory system. What are some signs of auditory processing disorder or APD? Is your child easily distracted […]

5 Tips to Help With Dyscalculia

Many children struggle with difficulties in writing and math. When a child is smart and has a high IQ, struggling with something that comes so simply for other students in the class often leads to anxiety and low self-esteem. As with most learning disorders or learning disabilities, symptoms emerge at different times and each child […]

Book Report Alternatives for Students with Dyslexia

Book Report Alternatives for Students with Dyslexia and Learning Disorders Writing book reports can be challenging for some students with dyslexia and other disabilities involving writing and language. As long as your children or students reach the objectives you expect them to achieve after reading a book, why not allow them to demonstrate their learning […]