5 Helpful Strategies for Dysgraphia

DYSGRAPHIA is a learning disability. It affects how children acquire written language and the use of writing to express thoughts and ideas. In my book, The Special Needs SCHOOL Survival Guide I dedicated a chapter to dysgraphia because I felt that it was often overlooked yet is the cause of a lot of frustration. We […]
Left Hand Writing Tips plus FREEBIE

Did you know that some students do not develop a hand preference until kindergarten or at 5 or 6 years old? When students write with their left hand, they should not be discouraged from doing so. They do not choose their left hand in the same way that you didn’t choose to use your right […]
Handwriting Tips and FREE download

Handwriting is so important to each of us. Our signature marks our unique impression of agreement or approval on a document. There have been many arguments lately on whether to teach our children the skill of cursive handwriting. While many feel it’s not necessary, others say that the skill is critical to for building brain […]
5 Fun President’s Day Fine Motor Activities

It’s President’s Day and this year, I’ve found some really fun activities that will fit goals for fine motor, executive function (specifically planning, following directions, and executing), and gross motor goals. Presidents’ Day Mask Here’s an awesome activity from Lakeshore Learning. Paper plates are affordable and readily available. The George Washington mask can be made […]
5 Questions Asked By New Occupational Therapists

5 of the most asked questions during my pediatric occupational therapy primer courses for new therapists or OTs new to the pediatric setting.
5 Tips for Using Helper Hands

Let’s talk about one of those critical skills that we often overlook….using the ‘helper’ hand. Most of us have one hand that’s dominant and the other is designed to partner up and be the super assistant! His job is no less important since we all need a little ‘support’ sometimes…….all joking aside, we need […]
Heart Pencil Toppers Fine Motor Craft

Heart Pencil Toppers I Love crafts that are affordable and easy! Non-food crafts also make everyone happy and can be used as a gift for teachers, students, and parents. This is one of the easiest and most adorable crafts I’ve found this year. Enjoy! What’s Needed Red, White, and Pink Chenille […]