5 New Year Resolution Ideas for Kids

Wow, the power of a visual is never more influential than watching the year change. If you’re in the US, you may watch a ball drop on the larger than life 2020 display in Times Square. The feelings are powerful as the end of a chapter in our lives ends and refreshes as the page […]
5 Ways to Use Mindfulness
What is mindfulness? According to the American Mindfulness Research Association, it’s: “The state, process, and practice of remembering to observe moment-to-moment experience with openness, and without automatic patterns of previously conditioned thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. Mindfulness can be cultivated through mind-body practices (such as focused attention and open monitoring meditation as well as other intrapsychic […]
School Bus Safety Tips

School Bus Safety Tips for Children The start of school is approaching and children will begin their daily commute to and from school riding the bus. It’s an exciting time since many children seem to love to ride the school bus. Since preparation is important, let’s take a moment to prepare your children for what […]
Reflex Integration & Movement Resources
As many of you know, I travel across the US and have courses in the US & UK to help occupational therapists and families learn helpful treatment strategies. One of my most frequently asked questions is ‘What are your favorite books for movement, mindfulness, and reflexes?’ So, each of my presentations contains pages of resources […]
5 Tips to Help Children to Deal with Trauma

Most of us remember the exact place we stood on the morning of the 9/11 attacks. My son was only two and I remember thinking about his future. Thankfully, he was too young to remember but many children faced difficult feelings that they might not have known how to process. The COVID pandemic changed […]
Calm Down Area Creation Tips
Children benefit from a calm down area when their emotions are running high or they need a calming break. Most ‘bad’ behavior is a result of high emotional levels and increased frustration. Read for steps in creating a calm area in your classroom, homeschool, home or clinic. Photos provided and links for helpful equipment.