Google Eye Slime!

Light green slime in a kettle with google eyeballs

Everyone LOVES slime! Slime is great for sensory, especially the tactile or touch sense. Kids all over enjoy making and playing with slime. We know that following a recipe and planning the outcome helps children to develop executive function skills. What are they? read my earlier blog post if you are looking for more information […]

Halloween Noodles Sensory Play

Halloween noodles sensory play

Halloween Noodles – Sensory Play! Halloween-themed noodles make OOEY GOOEY FUN for little fingers! This activity works in sensory, fine motor, and visual-motor skills. Searching for items within the noodles makes sensory play fun. This is a Halloween activity BUT feel free to change the color of the noodles (step 4) to ANY color. Instead […]

What Are Pre Writing Skills?

What are pre-writing skills and why does my child need them? Babies are born with hands that are curled up and only reflexively grasp their caregiver’s finger. Through practice and play they quickly learn that their actions cause their toy to light up or their body to move around in space. The hands become stronger […]

20 Summer FUN Ideas (OT Approved!)

  SUMMER is here! Most families look forward to summer’s relaxation and lazy days. However, the lack of routine and structure can evoke great stress for families of children with special needs. School routines are predictable and provide consistency and the transition to summer may be a difficult one. In addition, the skills your child […]

SLIME for my Valentine!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we know you’re looking for fun and creative ideas. This is the PERFECT idea for teachers, therapists, and gifts for friends. Materials: 1 Container of red glitter glue ¾ and ⅔ cups very warm water separated 1 tsp. Borax 2 Mixing bowls Mixing Spoon Red glitter Small plastic containers with […]

Learn the Colors Activity Pack – Spanish

Learning to identify and write the colors is important for all children. We are so excited about our new learn the colors pack in Spanish! Matching, writing, and identifying the colors are all included in the activity download.   Here are some ideas: Laminate the pages for multiple uses. Cut out the crayons and create […]

8 Sensory-Based Oral Motor Activities

WORK for the mouth? Well, not really! As babies, we learn to calm ourselves through sucking. When a baby suckles, he begins to develop methods to regulate and organize. Additionally, sucking helps to develop speech patterns and helps to develop/mature the central nervous system!  However, not all babies can use sucking in these wonderful ways. […]

Painting With Snow!

Snow Painting Fun for Kids of All Ages! So many are getting snow and winter blasts. How do we use this to our advantage? Play with it! Easy fun with nature, snow painting.     Materials: Snow Food coloring Paintbrushes White card stock You will also need: Mixing spoons Small containers Directions: 1. Add 1/2 […]

Galaxy Slime…’s Out of This WORLD!

When I saw this I knew immediately my readers would LOVE IT!  I’ve provided links to purchase via my Amazon Affiliate account for your convenience. Ingredients: 1 airtight container 2 5 oz bottle of clear glue 1 bottle black glitter glue 1½ cup water (separated) 1½ tsp baking soda (separated) 3 tbsp contact solution (separated) […]

How to Dye Rice for Sensory Play

I’m always looking for fun activities to add color to my kids’ lives. This week, I found a great way to let them not only use color but to create new colors all on their own! Mixing the colors with the rice is a fun way to let kids explore their tactile senses. Also, the […]