Tool Up: LegiLiners

Tool Up: LegiLiners In an ever-changing educational and therapeutic landscape, providing students with effective tools is essential for success. As a therapist, I get how challenging it can be to constantly create or doctor worksheets that will support delivering educational content in a manner that meets students where they are.   That’s one of the […]

Teaching Idioms

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs! Idioms or phrases that cannot be understood through their literal meaning can be rather confusing for students with language difficulties. Teaching children and students common idioms can help them navigate verbal communication with adults and peers as well as improve their writing skills. My sons had SUCH a difficult time […]

5 Tips to Help With Dyscalculia

Many children struggle with difficulties in writing and math. When a child is smart and has a high IQ, struggling with something that comes so simply for other students in the class often leads to anxiety and low self-esteem. As with most learning disorders or learning disabilities, symptoms emerge at different times and each child […]

5 Tips to Build Kids’ Working Memory

  Working Memory: Executive Function Skill Executive function difficulties commonly come along with (are co-morbid with) many disorders. What are executive function skills……Check out our earlier blog post here for 5 quick facts. Children who have been diagnosed with: ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, sensory, auditory, among many others experience dysfunction in working memory. What IS this […]

Sensory Processing Disorder in SCHOOL

School & Homework Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder We have provided links to Amazon for some of the items mentioned in our blog. Take a look around, we have tried to find you great deals on the products we recommend. Sensory processing disorders affect up to one in every twenty children and the […]

Book Report Alternatives for Students with Dyslexia

Book Report Alternatives for Students with Dyslexia and Learning Disorders Writing book reports can be challenging for some students with dyslexia and other disabilities involving writing and language. As long as your children or students reach the objectives you expect them to achieve after reading a book, why not allow them to demonstrate their learning […]