Sensory Regulation Ideas


How do children regulate their sensory systems? How can you help? This free download provides ideas and tips for supporting regulation in the classroom, therapy room or at home.

This handout addresses topics such as:

  • When to use sensory strategies
  • Brain break ideas
  • Setting up a calming area at home and school
  • Oral input considerations
  • Visual concerns
  • Bedtime and sleeping difficulties
  • Homework time
  • Mindfulness techniques


Please feel free to share it with anyone who would benefit from more information to help their child!


How do children regulate their sensory systems? How can you help? This free download provides ideas and tips for supporting regulation in the classroom, therapy room or at home.

This handout addresses topics such as:

  • When to use sensory strategies
  • Brain break ideas
  • Setting up a calming area at home and school
  • Oral input considerations
  • Visual concerns
  • Bedtime and sleeping difficulties
  • Homework time
  • Mindfulness techniques


Please feel free to share it with anyone who would benefit from more information to help their child!

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