SPD Activity Break Cards


This colorful pack of 60 activity cards is perfect for children with sensory processing disorder, ADHD, ADD, autism, or any child who needs sensory breaks throughout their day. The activities are excellent for kids of ALL ability levels and ages. Print out and glue onto a popsicle stick or laminate and put onto a ring for your students!

This card pack contains:

  • Visual supports to help communicate feelings
  • Sensory regulation activities
  • Easy exercises and movement ideas
  • Blank cards to add your own ideas


These activities address:

  • Attention and focus
  • Sensory regulation
  • Emotional regulation


This colorful pack of 60 activity cards is perfect for children with sensory processing disorder, ADHD, ADD, autism, or any child who needs sensory breaks throughout their day. The activities are excellent for kids of ALL ability levels and ages. Print out and glue onto a popsicle stick or laminate and put onto a ring for your students!

This card pack contains:

  • Visual supports to help communicate feelings
  • Sensory regulation activities
  • Easy exercises and movement ideas
  • Blank cards to add your own ideas


These activities address:

  • Attention and focus
  • Sensory regulation
  • Emotional regulation
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